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Italy Launches Digital Nomad Visa Program for Foreign Remote Workers

Italy has officially unveiled its Digital Nomad Visa program, allowing remote workers from around the world to live and work in the country for up to a year. The program, which came into effect on April 4, offers the opportunity for visa renewal annually, providing a legal pathway for foreigners to reside in Italy while working for companies or clients based outside the country.

Italy Launches Digital Nomad Visa Program for Foreign Remote Workers

According to the Italian government, a digital nomad under this visa scheme is defined as a citizen of non-EU states who engages in highly qualified work activities using technological tools to work remotely, whether as a self-employed worker, collaborator, or employee of a company, even if not residing in Italy.


Unlike other EU Digital Nomad Visa programs, Italy's initiative is managed under Article 27 of the immigration code, targeting highly skilled workers. Applicants are required to demonstrate an annual income of €28,000 (£23,992.50) or more, along with arrangements for health insurance and accommodation during their stay.


Additionally, applicants must have a clean criminal record for the past five years and show evidence of at least six months of prior remote work or digital nomadism.


Before applying for the Digital Nomad Visa, applicants must ensure compliance with Italian tax regulations. Booking an in-person appointment at an Italian consulate in their country of residence is necessary, along with providing documents such as a valid passport, proof of employment, income, health insurance, accommodation in Italy, and a criminal record certificate.


Upon visa approval, applicants have eight days from their arrival in Italy to apply for a residence permit, allowing them to establish legal residency in the country.


Italy joins several other European countries in offering Digital Nomad Visa programs, including Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Latvia, Malta, Romania, the Netherlands, and Norway. Each country imposes varying monthly income requirements for digital nomads, reflecting the diverse offerings available to remote workers seeking alternative living arrangements.


The introduction of Italy's Digital Nomad Visa program aligns with the growing trend of remote work and digital nomadism worldwide, providing an attractive option for individuals seeking to combine work with the cultural experiences and lifestyle offerings of Italy.




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