Russia's recent sanctions against wealthy and important citizens have been extensively covered in the media.

Several recent proposed revisions to the Nationality and Borders Bill, according to Withers partner Tracy Evlogidis in a briefing paper on 10 March, may now contain visa fines for countries that represent a threat to world peace and security.
We do not believe this fight was undertaken in the name of the Russian people, but we believe that disadvantaging Russian nationals will add to the pressure on the Putin administration, said Home Office minister Baroness Williams during a debate in the House of Lords on Wednesday.
The Nationality and Borders Bill, if passed by the House of Lords, will give the Home Office the authority to postpone visa applications, invalidate them, charge a fee, or even deny them access if they are found to be fraudulent.
Under current law, additional steps by the Home Office can only be taken if there is a 'immigration hazard,' but the new bill provides for broad visa restrictions against countries that pose a threat to international peace and security. Deputy Secretary of State Baroness Williams acknowledged that the administration will employ these powers against Russia.
During a third reading, which will take place on Monday, March 14, 2022, the bill could be brought into law within a few days.
As a result of the Ukrainian conflict, certain EU countries, notably Greece, Latvia, and the Czech Republic, have already prohibited Russian citizens from entering their countries.
According to a vote passed on March 9 by European Union parliamentarians, "golden visas" for Russian citizens will no longer be issued unless they meet new, more stringent EU-level standards.