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Dutch Regulator Calls for Gambling Law Changes: False Identities, Data Usage, and More

The Dutch gambling regulator, de Kansspelautoriteit (KSA), has presented a series of recommendations to the Dutch government concerning gambling laws. In a letter to the minister for legal protection, Franc Weerwind, the KSA outlined proposed changes to the existing online gambling legislation.

Dutch Regulator Calls for Gambling Law Changes: False Identities, Data Usage, and More

Although the government plans to conduct a broader review of the Remote Gambling Act (ROA) next year, the KSA emphasized the urgency of its recommendations, stating that they cannot wait for the evaluation process.

One of the primary concerns raised by the KSA is the need to modify current laws to grant the regulator the authority to create false identities for the purpose of verifying operator compliance. Presently, only the National Office for Identity Data is authorized to generate false IDs. The KSA argues that expanding this responsibility to include the regulator would enhance its capacity to effectively and efficiently monitor operator activities.

Additionally, the KSA called for changes to the laws governing the use of data from licensed operators. While approved operators are currently required to submit a selection of their gaming systems data to the control database for supervision and enforcement purposes, the KSA proposed expanding the use of this data for analysis and research. This broader utilization of data would enable the KSA to establish a solid factual basis for supervision, enforcement, and policymaking.

The regulator also highlighted two other significant points for consideration in future legislation. Firstly, the KSA expressed concerns about the effectiveness of the Cruks self-exclusion system and the option for players to be involuntarily included on the list at the request of close relatives or operators. The KSA pointed out that the low number of players registered through this method raises doubts about its effectiveness in addressing gambling addiction. Furthermore, the regulator suggested that the procedure for involuntarily registering players is overly complex, and the six-month period for deregistration is too short.

Lastly, the KSA emphasized that the legislation governing land-based slot machines is outdated and increasingly incompatible with current regulations and technological developments. It recommended aligning these laws with the legislation for online slots to ensure consistency and effectiveness.

The KSA believes that addressing these points will contribute to the establishment of a safe and responsible gambling system that effectively protects Dutch players and addresses potential issues within the industry.



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